Recent Articles
Detecting and Addressing Incidental Findings: Medical Malpractice Claims
With the use of current imaging technology, it has become more common to find abnormalities, or “incidental findings,” that are unrelated to the reason the imaging was ordered. This review of closed …
MPL Case: Could Closing the Loop Have Saved This Patient' Life?
Confirming a colleague’s receipt and understanding of serious findings is part of patient safety. Further, closed-loop communication expresses mutual respect, which contributes to professional satisf…
Recording Office Visits and Procedures: Pros and Cons for Healthcare Professionals
Proactively addressing the use of electronic recordings can help practitioners avoid misunderstandings, reputational damage, and potential liability.
Shoulder Dystocia Documentation: Implementing a Protocol
Shoulder dystocia claims have traditionally been among the most problematic to defend.
Patient Billing Challenges: Frequently Asked Questions
We offer strategies to address common questions about patient billing concerns.
The Doctor’s Advocate
The Doctor’s Advocate, our quarterly publication, contains timely information on patient safety topics, legislative updates, and the latest industry and company news.
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Risk Assessments/Site Surveys
Partner with us to complete a comprehensive risk survey and a customized service plan for your practice.
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Risk Management Fundamentals for the Practice Manager
Our exclusive member program educates practice managers on risk management and patient safety measures.
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Financial and Workplace Well-Being for Doctors: Lessons for Life After Medical School
This free, academic lecture series is designed to help doctors take control of their financial and workplace well-being, so they can focus on what they do best—providing superior patient care.
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Quick Check Tools: Improve Your Practice Processes
Our easy-to-use Quick Check tools can help your practice identify processes that need to be updated. Each printable checklist also includes a resource list and contact details for additional guidance.
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