Additional Articles and Presentations from Dr. Anderson

Health Insurance Reform Could Lead to Patient Abandonment: Why the Silence?
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP
Will Washington cancel coverage for millions of patients and unleash a tidal wave of litigation on the U.S. healthcare system? I challenge leaders in healthcare and government to address this question.
(June 30, 2017)

It’s Time to Reset the Medical Malpractice Insurance Conversation
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP
After speaking with more than 800 doctors, practice managers, and group administrators nationwide, it’s clear that it’s time to reset the conversation around medical malpractice insurance. Dr. Anderson explains why he believes companies should serve the medical profession by partnering with those who provide care.
(March 29, 2017)

The Case for Legal Reform
Chapter 15 of Medical Malpractice: A Physician’s Sourcebook
The rising cost of claims has fueled a dramatic rise in the cost of medical malpractice insurance in the United States. Legal reform is an issue of great significance to both doctors and healthcare consumers, since insurance costs have forced many physicians to curtail their practices, move to other venues, or even retire from the practice of medicine. This chapter reviews the nature and extent of the problem, the relevant attributes of medical malpractice insurance, and the evidence that legal reforms can ameliorate the problem.
(November 30, 2007)

Medical Malpractice: A Physician's Sourcebook
A panel of physicians, attorneys, academics, researchers, and insurance industry experts consider questions about the origin, nature, and ramifications of the medical malpractice litigation crisis, as well as possible solutions and alternatives to the current system.
(November 28, 2004)

Defining Effective Medical-Legal Reform
Atra 2003, Las Vegas, NV.
The case for MICRA
(November 18, 2003)

Medicine Under Siege: The Case for MICRA
PLUS International Conference 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine(IOM) Report, MICRA.
(November 11, 2003)

Medical Malpractice Reform, the Practice of Surgery, and the Safety of Patients
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA, Legal Reform
(October 22, 2003)

Medical Crisis Is Sweeping the Nation
Wyoming Tribune Eagle, September 12, 2003
In the mid-1970s, the story in California was much the same as it is today in a number of states spiraling into crisis. Today, California faces significant health challenges to healthcare delivery but the cost of protection for malpractice liability is not one of them. MICRA’s reforms brought sense and stability to the system in California, just as they can do in other states.
(September 12, 2003)

The Case for MICRA 2003
(September 10, 2003)

The Malpractice Crisis of 2002-2003
AANS 2003, San Diego, CA.
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA.
(June 1, 2003)

The Crisis of 2002-2003
American College of Physicians 2003
Harvard Medical Practice Study; Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA
(April 5, 2003)

MICRA: The Real Experience
American Legislative Exchange Council 2003, Arlington, VA
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA, Legal Reform
(March 29, 2003)

The Crisis of 2002–2003: Causes and Solutions, Exploding Opposition Myths and Call to Action
American Legislative Exchange Council 2003, Arlington, VA
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA, Legal Reform
(March 29, 2003)

The Crisis of 2002–2003: Causes and Solutions
“PLUS Medical Professional Liability Symposium 2003, Chicago, IL
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA
(March 12, 2003)

Malpractice Reform that Has Worked
San Diego Union-Tribune March 11, 2003
California led the way in malpractice liability reform more than a quarter century ago, and it’s a success story that can be imitated by other states.
(March 11, 2003)

The Crisis of 2002–2003: Causes and Solutions
NAIC Spring Meeting 2003
Harvard Medical Practice Study, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report, MICRA
(March 8, 2003)

MICRA: The Real Experience
Texas House of Representatives Civil Practices Committee 2003
Creation of MICRA; Public/Patient Benefits; The Statutes; Results; Corroboration.
(February 12, 2003)

Doctors Protest High Malpractice Insurance Premiums
CNN Saturday Morning News, February 1, 2003
Debate regarding physician walkouts over the high costs of medical malpractice liability insurance.
(February 1, 2003)

Harming Patient Access to Care: Implications of Excessive Litigation
Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, July 17, 2002
Presented for the Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA).”
(July 17, 2002)

Chairman’s Letter to JAMA Editor
Letter to the editor of JAMA written by Dr. Richard E. Anderson, chairman of The Doctors Company Board of Governors, praising the critique of the IOM report on medical errors in the JAMA article by Clement J. McDonald, MD, et al., “Deaths Due to Medical Errors Are Exaggerated in IOM Report.”
(Nov 1, 2000)

Delayed Diagnosis of Cancer
Physicians must maintain a high index of suspicion of cancer and exclude diagnosis with certainty to minimize risk of missed or delayed diagnosis.
(June 1, 2000)

Reducing Delays in Diagnosing Breast Cancer
A review of closed claims reveals the major causes of missed or delayed breast cancer diagnoses.
(February 1, 2000)

Chairman’s Letter to JAMA Editor
Dr. Anderson confirms that Dr. McDonald and colleagues provide an important critique of the IOM report on medical errors and of the Harvard Medical Practice Study (MPS) that is integral to it.
Letter to the editor of JAMA written by Dr. Richard E. Anderson, chairman of The Doctors Company Board of Governors, praising the critique of the IOM report on medical errors in the JAMA article by Clement J. McDonald, MD, et al., “Deaths Due to Medical Errors Are Exaggerated in IOM Report"
(January 1, 2000)

Institute of Medicine Report: A Response
Originally published in The Physician Insurer, First Quarter, 2000
(January 1, 2000)

Reducing Delays in Diagnosing Colorectal Cancer
This study reveals the primary reasons for delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer and encourages routine colorectal screenings to minimize delay.
(January 1, 1999)

Reducing Delays in Diagnosing Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is common in both men and women, and its presenting manifestations are protean. Delayed diagnosis occurs when a recognized sign or symptom receives inadequate evaluation or when x-ray findings are missed or not thoroughly tracked.
(January 1, 1999)

Physicians Will Be Drawn into Lawsuits against HMOs
Between Rounds
Panel statement: Physician anger against managed care is such that organized medicine is supporting efforts to remove the ERISA preemption. This anger is understandable—but the strategy will end up injuring us and the practice of medicine to a greater extent than it will HMOs and the managed care industry.
(December 1, 1998)

The High Costs of Defensive Medicine
San Diego Union-Tribune, June 14, 1998
“Defensive medicine” is an increasingly common practice that should concern every American woman—the growing tendency of doctors to order needless tests to establish a medical record for their defense in case they are sued.
(June 14, 1998)

Harvard Study Continues to Distort Health Care Quality Debate
Harvard Medical Practice Study
The Harvard Medical Practice Study is often cited in discussions of healthcare quality and medical malpractice reform. Missing from this discussion is any mention of the critical flaws of the study, which not only render the data of virtually no use for public policy debate, but which also fail to support the authors’ conclusions about the medical-legal system.
(January 1, 1998)

An “Epidemic” of Medical Malpractice? A Commentary on the Harvard Medical Practice Study
The Manhattan Institute’s Civil Justice Memo
Medical malpractice litigation is one of the largest components of the tort system.
(July 1, 1996)

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