
Feb 21, 2023
Risk Management Fundamentals for the Practice Manager
Our complimentary program is exclusive to all member practice managers, both clinical and nonclinical, who are new to the role or seek further education regarding the application of risk management and patient safety measures (or principles) in an office-based medical or dental practice.

Jul 28, 2022
Defensible Medical and Dental Records
Richard F. Cahill, JD, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, The Doctors Company
Patient records, which serve a critical function in healthcare delivery and routine clinical operations, can provide key evidence in the event of a professional liability action.

Professional Education
Safe Opioid Prescribing for Physicians and Dentists: Florida Edition
This enduring program meets current Florida-specific controlled substance requirements. Opioids play an important role in pain management—both in the acute and the chronic setting, but a variety of causes have contributed to an opioid-related epidemic leading to addiction and death. There has also been substantial misuse of opioids by prescription and by diversion. With the spotlight on the epidemic guidelines, regulations, studies, and solutions are emerging, including recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that can address the epidemic and allow for effective and appropriate use of these drugs.

Sep 01, 2023
Management of Treatment Complications in Dentistry
When treatment complications occur, it is often how the situation is handled that determines the outcome for both the patient and the healthcare provider. These strategies can help dental professionals enhance safety and mitigate risk.

Professional Education
Safe Opioid Prescribing for Physicians and Dentists
This enduring activity meets controlled substances requirements for a national audience (not state-specific). Opioids play an important role in pain management—both in the acute and the chronic setting, but a variety of causes have contributed to an opioid-related epidemic leading to addiction and death. There has also been substantial misuse of opioids by prescription and by diversion. With the spotlight on the epidemic guidelines, regulations, studies, and solutions are emerging, including recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that can address the epidemic and allow for effective and appropriate use of these drugs.

Jun 22, 2022
Patient Safety in Dentistry Series
The articles in this three-part series provide strategies to help dental professionals enhance communication and documentation skills and manage adverse events in a practice setting.

Sep 16, 2022
Reduce Patient Safety Risks With Vaccinations, Including COVID-19
Debra Kane Hill, MBA, RN, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company
Vaccine administration is usually regarded as a simple office procedure, often performed without the direct supervision of the physician or a licensed professional. Although vaccinations are a routine procedure, physicians and staff should remain vigilant about patient safety considerations. Whether you’re seeing children for COVID-19 vaccinations or adults for travel abroad or general disease prevention, take time now to assess the vaccine administration protocol in your practice.

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