Mar 11, 2024
Informed Refusal
Documenting a patient’s refusal of test or treatment options is key to minimizing risk exposure.
August 18, 2023, MDLinx
A Lawsuit Is Underway as a Tennessee Hospital Gives Medical Records of Transgender Patients to the Attorney General
Richard F. Cahill, Esq., Vice President and Associate General Counsel, The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, discusses the importance of healthcare providers only disclosing required patient information.
The Doctors Company Announces Sale of Medical Advantage Subsidiary
The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, today announced that it has sold its Medical Advantage subsidiary to Aledade, the nation’s largest network of physician-led value-based care.
Jun 18, 2021
Study of Emergency Department Diagnosis Case Type Malpractice Claims: Abstract
A study of diagnosis-type closed medical malpractice claims from care that occurred in the ED from 2014 through the second quarter of 2019 using closed coded claims from The Doctors Company.
July 21, 2023, MDLinx
The Biggest Malpractice Cases of 2023: States Are Shifting the Legal Landscape
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer for The Doctors Company and TDC Group, discusses why missed and misdiagnoses are a primary cause of malpractice lawsuits.
Mar 20, 2023
Sexual Harassment Allegations in Healthcare: Rising Risks
Healthcare practitioners are not immune from the growing number of reported incidents of alleged sexual harassment in the workplace. This article provides risk mitigation strategies.
Professional Education
Delayed Diagnosis of Sepsis (Claims Corner CME)
In reviewing closed malpractice claims, The Doctors Company has identified delayed diagnosis and treatment of sepsis as a serious problem that can result in significant morbidity and mortality. This article highlights the importance of timely recognition of symptoms that point to a diagnosis of sepsis, and the need for quick initiation of treatment. Factors contributing to the delayed diagnosis and treatment of sepsis are discussed, including clinical judgment errors such as failure to note the importance of significant clinical symptoms, failure to seriously consider sepsis as high on the differential diagnosis, failure to use a sepsis recognition tool as an adjunct to the exam, failure to order appropriate tests to rule out sepsis before assuming another diagnosis, and failure to admit the patient to the hospital for treatment.
December 19, 2022,
Executive Spotlight: TC Wilson of The Doctors Company
Thomas Connell (TC) Wilson, Chief Investment Officer, The Doctors Company, is featured on the podcast where he discusses his background, the mission of The Doctors Company, and the current insurance landscape.
Dec 19, 2022
The Industry’s Strongest Malpractice Claims Defense
The Doctors Company is founded and led by physicians, which gives us a keen understanding of the impact of a malpractice claim. If a claim is ever made against you, we fight to win—both in and out of the courtroom.
Nov 18, 2024
Nuclear Verdicts in Healthcare: How Social Inflation Impacts Physicians, Patients, and the Future of Medicine
Social inflation increases the price of healthcare. It ratchets up the costs of doing business for healthcare professionals and facilities, and fear of litigation inspires defensive medicine. Fortunately, through tort reform, states may be able to contain social inflation’s effects on healthcare costs.