
Aug 01, 2023
Advanced Practice Clinicians: A Preventive Action and Loss Reduction Guide
Depending on the state, an APC may be permitted to practice autonomously, as part of a collaborative agreement, or under the supervision of a physician. Regardless of an APC’s practice status or employment arrangement, however, all individuals can be held liable for their own acts of negligence. Our preventive action and loss reduction guide can help APCs in every practice environment.

Mar 01, 2024
Burnout and Litigation Against Primary Care Providers: Where Do They Overlap?
Jacqueline Ross, RN, PhD, Coding Director, and Robert Morton, MAS, CPPS, CPHRM, ARM, Assistant Vice President, Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management, The Doctors Company, Part of TDC Group
Certain trends in primary care suggest potential avenues for investigation into malpractice allegations. These include a worsening shortage of primary care physicians, an association between burnout and patient safety concerns, and the rise in both the number of women physicians and the rate of burnout among women physicians.

The Doctors Company Announces $14.7 Million Dividend
The Doctors Company, the nation’s largest physician-owned medical malpractice insurer, announced today that it has approved a 2024 premium dividend of approximately $14.7 million, bringing the total of declared dividends to date to $470 million.

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