

April 28, 2023, MDLinx
A Virginia Radiologist's Malpractice Case for $10 Million Was Dismissed, Here's What Can Help Prevent Malpractice Suits
David L. Feldman, MD, MBA, FACS, Chief Medical Officer, The Doctors Company and TDC Group, provides recommendations to prevent medical malpractice lawsuits.

Sep 01, 2023
The Doctors Company Can Help You Complete DEA Training Requirement
We offer several on-demand accredited education courses that can help you meet your DEA training requirements.
From The Doctor’s Advocate

Sid Callahan
Sid Callahan specializes in medical malpractice insurance with Grady Professional Services in Orlando, Florida. He has over 25 years of experience insuring physicians and healthcare facilities.

Jun 09, 2021
Ensure Your Website Complies with ADA Requirements
Avoid being the target of a lawsuit by ensuring that your practice website complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
From The Doctor’s Advocate

Professional Education
You Have Been Served with a Malpractice Lawsuit or a Regulatory Action Notice: Now What?
Malpractice litigation and government regulatory and licensing oversight are inherent aspects of licensed healthcare professionals. The concern regarding malpractice litigation is well-founded, and regulatory and licensing actions can pose significant challenges. Therefore, clinicians must be prepared and knowledgeable about navigating legal notices and taking appropriate steps to ensure compliance. By participating in this program, they can effectively mitigate the impact of claims, complaints, or regulatory actions and safeguard their practice.

Property and General Liability Insurance
Ensure that you’re protected from loss resulting from damage to property or events that occur on your premises. Whether you own your property or lease it, we can protect your building or facility and safeguard your medical equipment and other assets. Property insurance also provides business interruption coverage to help your business survive unexpected circumstances.