Political Action Committees
The Doctors Company’s state and federal political action committees (DOCPACs) are powerful in advocating for and defending medical liability reforms in their respective states and in Congress.
Contributions to DOCPAC are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. To contribute, download the DOCPAC Response Form.
We have established DOCPACs in multiple states, as well as a Federal DOCPAC. We direct contributions from subscribers in states with an active DOCPAC to their state DOCPAC. When we receive contributions from individuals without an active state DOCPAC, we direct funds to the Federal DOCPAC. Contributions from corporate subscribers with no active state DOCPAC, and from states that prohibit the use of corporate funds for political contributions, are directed to California DOCPAC. If a contribution comes from a limited liability company (“LLC”) in certain states, it may be directed to an alternate PAC.
Contributions are not tax deductible.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Doctors Company has established several political action committees that use the DOCPAC name. There is a federal DOCPAC, as well as committees to address issues in California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Montana, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, and the state of Washington.
DOCPAC exists to help elect or re-elect candidates for public office who support medical liability reforms, and to help our members become involved in grassroots political activity. We publish reports, articles, and alerts concerning critical political issues and developments. We also raise money for political action in support of medical liability reform at the state and national level.
DOCPAC funds go to political candidates, coalitions, and associations that support reasonable medical liability reforms. Candidates who support our interest in medical liability reform can’t help us unless they have the funds to be competitive in elections.
You don’t need to be a physician or member insured by The Doctors Company. All you need is a belief that protecting patients and doctors is more important than enriching trial lawyers.
For contributions to the federal DOCPAC or to DOCPACs for Montana, Ohio, or Texas, only personal checks can be accepted. New York limits political contributions from corporations to $5,000 per calendar year. DOCPACs in California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington state can accept personal or business contributions.
DOCPAC will not release your name or other personal information except as required by law for governmental reporting purposes. We protect the privacy of our contributors.
Checks should be made out to The Doctors Company.
Mail the check to Government Relations, The Doctors Company, 185 Greenwood Road, PO Box 2900, Napa, CA 94558-0900.