Government Relations Advocacy Update
Volume 9, Issue 5
National Trends and Key Takeaways from the 2024 Election
December 15, 2024—For the first time since 2018, Republicans will have control of both chambers of Congress and the White House, known as a "trifecta." In addition to federal control, Republicans made some modest gains at the state level, winning seats in several state legislative chambers. Notably, Republicans in Michigan reclaimed the state House of Representatives, just two years after Democrats took control of both legislative chambers and the governor’s office for the first time in 40 years.
Republicans also secured new supermajorities in Iowa and South Carolina, while breaking Democratic supermajorities in New York and Vermont.
A "supermajority" refers to a legislative majority that is so large it can override a governor’s veto, call special sessions, and even place constitutional amendments on the ballot without needing support from the opposing party.
Additionally, Democrats made gains, particularly in Connecticut where they achieved a legislative supermajority. They also gained ground in Republican-led legislatures in states like Montana and Wisconsin, marking the first election cycle with new district maps in place.
Across the nation, Republicans will continue to control the majority of state legislative chambers and governorships. While there were a few shifts in legislative makeups this election, none of the 11 races for governor resulted in a shift of party control.

Elections at All Levels Impact Healthcare Policies and Practices
Earlier this year, we wrote about the critical role that elections—and this election—will play in shaping healthcare policy.
During the election cycle, we participated in a total of 280 races for public office. Of those, 250 candidates won their elections—an 89 percent win rate.
In addition, around the nation we have built diverse political relationships with a broad coalition of healthcare interests, trade associations, political organizations, and public policy makers that work with us to support medical liability reform and other key initiatives of importance to TDC Group and its members.
For example, in conjunction with our coalition partners in 2024 we saw the culmination of our advocacy efforts to defeat attempts at the ballot box and in state legislatures to repeal existing medical liability reform laws in Colorado, Michigan, New York, and Virginia.
While the election may be over for this year, it’s key for healthcare professionals to engage with elected officials to educate them about the importance of medical liability reforms on an ongoing basis. Reach out to your elected officials. Introduce yourself to your lawmaker and their staff. Offer yourself as a resource to provide perspective on health care ideas and issues that matter to your lawmaker. Rather than coming with a specific “ask” each time, building a two-way relationship can have a meaningful and lasting impact.
Remember, as a leader in the medical community, your experience provides excellent, humanizing perspective to help build trust. It may take time and patience to achieve meaningful results from your interactions with policymakers, so it’s a good idea to connect with your representatives and establish a rapport with them and their staff. The sooner you’re able to start a dialogue, the more valuable your input will be as they navigate turning ideas into policy.
Together, we can help prevent dangerous legislative and regulatory actions from being enacted by educating candidates and existing lawmakers.
What Providers and Elected Officials Say About the Importance of Educational Advocacy from Members of TDC Group

Medical liability reforms are crucial for ensuring long-term stability in our healthcare system, safeguarding the interests of both patients and providers. As both an oncologist and the leader of TDC Group, I have witnessed firsthand the importance of advocacy from organizations like ours. This work is core to our mission to advance, protect, and reward outstanding healthcare.
—Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Doctors Company and TDC Group

As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, I see firsthand how important medical liability protections are to the stability of our healthcare system. These protections are vital not just for protecting healthcare providers like my colleagues and me, but also for ensuring that our patients have the best possible access to care.
—Patricia Gurney, MSN, PPCNP-BC

As a physician and representative for rural and under-resourced communities, I understand how important advocacy from The Doctors Company is to improving healthcare outcomes for my constituents. Preserving access to care, lowering medical costs, and tackling physician shortages are important issues to address. Together, we can pave the way for all Californians to receive the quality healthcare they deserve.
—U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz, MD, (CA-25), Emergency Medicine Physician

Medical liability reforms are vital for ensuring that patients have access to high-quality care, a priority that I have been committed to during my time in office as a physician and a representative for Southern and West Central Indiana. Organizations like The Doctors Company are crucial in this effort, advocating for medical liability reforms that are key in protecting access to healthcare.
—U.S. Representative Larry Bucshon, MD, (IN-8), Retired Cardiothoracic Surgeon
About Our Advocacy and How You Can Further Support Our Efforts
TDG Group is relentlessly committed to supporting medical liability reform and to safeguarding access to patient care. We defend reforms that are in place, prevent legislation from being enacted that would undermine the defenses of our members, and take opportunities to enact new measures that would limit liability exposure for our members and healthcare professionals across the country.
Our advocacy efforts are only successful because of your involvement. We appreciate your support for our 2024 government relations priorities.
We can help prevent dangerous legislative and regulatory actions from being enacted by collectively elevating the voice of providers. Learn more about TDC Group’s advocacy and how you can take action and get involved to share your voice to advocate for medical liability reform.

■ Propositions ■ Political Coalitions
© 2024 The Doctors Company. This document is Proprietary. The information contained in this document is not intended to be and does not constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and material are for general information purposes only. This is not an exhaustive list of laws and regulations applicable to this subject matter; others may apply.