Tribute Plan Summary


The Tribute® Plan is an unrivaled financial benefit that rewards you for your loyalty to The Doctors Company and for your dedication to superior patient care. It is based on the fundamental principle that by working together to promote patient safety and keep claims low, we all win.

The Board of Governors directs surplus towards the Tribute Plan loyalty program to reward members for advancing and protecting the practice of good medicine throughout their careers. Each eligible member will accumulate an individual balance representing his or her share of the loyalty pool. You may become eligible to receive your accumulated loyalty pool award balance when you permanently retire at age 55 or older with five or more years of continuous coverage with The Doctors Company on your retirement date. You may also become eligible to receive your award balance if you die or become permanently disabled while insured by The Doctors Company.

Eligibility to Participate

You are eligible to participate in the Tribute Plan if you are a full-time or part-time named insured on a professional liability insurance policy with The Doctors Company in force on or after January 1, 2007. Eligibility requirements for members who were previously insured by a company acquired by The Doctors Company may vary. Please see Frequently Asked Questions.

Certain named insureds do not participate in the Tribute Plan. These include business entities, hospitals, emergency rooms, and ancillary insureds. In addition, policyholders whose coverage with The Doctors Company was terminated prior to January 1, 2007, and who obtained extended reporting coverage do not participate in the Tribute Plan.

Balance Accumulation

At policy inception, members receive an initial amount of loyalty pool funding based on a percentage of premium for that policy year as approved by The Doctors Company board. Award balances grow through additional years’ funding declarations authorized by The Doctors Company board.

Balance Distribution

Tribute award balances are paid in a single, lump-sum payment upon completion of distribution requirements, which include permanent retirement at age 55 or older with at least five years of continuous coverage with The Doctors Company on the date of retirement. If you were insured by a company acquired by The Doctors Company, your years of continuous coverage may count toward this requirement. Please see Frequently Asked Questions.

Your Tribute Plan award balance may also be distributed in the event you die or become permanently disabled while insured by The Doctors Company, even if age and continuous coverage requirements have not been met.

To be considered permanently retired, you must have completely ceased from receiving pay for practicing medicine. You can perform voluntary medical services and still be considered permanently retired.

You may defer your Tribute Plan award payment for a period of up to 12 months subsequent to your retirement date. Your Tribute Plan award payment may have income tax consequences, so you should consult your tax adviser in advance of your retirement.

Termination of Balance

Your Tribute Plan balance will be forfeited if your coverage with The Doctors Company is terminated, canceled, or nonrenewed for any reason or if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements for participating in the Tribute Plan prior to satisfying the criteria for balance distribution.

If you purchase extended reporting (“tail”) coverage from The Doctors Company and move your insurance coverage to another carrier, you will no longer be eligible to participate in the Tribute Plan.

If you later return to The Doctors Company, you are treated as a new Tribute Plan participant with no carryover of any prior Tribute Plan balance or credit for years of continuous coverage with The Doctors Company. However, under certain circumstances, if you return to The Doctors Company within one year of terminating your coverage with The Doctors Company, you may be eligible to have your Tribute Plan balance and prior years of continuous coverage reinstated.

Physicians Practicing in Groups

If you are an eligible member of a group insured by The Doctors Company, your Tribute Plan balance is maintained in your name. If you leave to join another group or start a solo practice and continue to be insured by The Doctors Company, your years of continuous coverage and Tribute Plan balance remain with you.

Some or all of your Tribute Plan distribution may be assigned to your group. An assignment becomes effective upon a qualified DDR (death, disability, or retirement) event.

Other Terms and Conditions

Until distributed, all Tribute Plan balances are owned by The Doctors Company and subject to the claims of its creditors.

The Doctors Company board has the right to amend or terminate the Tribute Plan at any time.

Additional Information

For additional information, please view Frequently Asked Questions, contact your agent, call Member Services at (800) 421-2368, or send an email to


The information in this document is a summary of certain terms and conditions of the Plan Document (“Plan Document”) of the Tribute Plan, as established and administered by The Doctors Company. This document does not purport to describe all the terms and conditions of the Tribute Plan. The Plan Document contains a full description of the Tribute Plan. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency, or other difference between this document and the Plan Document, the terms and conditions of the Plan Document will control in every respect. Any projected balance amounts or other projections are not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future balance amounts. The statistics used herein have been obtained from sources the plan administrators believe to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed. Past experience and practices with respect to Plan Balances do not guarantee the same or similar future results.

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