Professional Liability Insurance Tailored for Advanced Practice Clinicians

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As you look after the physical, mental, and social well-being of your patients, take a moment to look after yourself. We can give you affordable, top-tier malpractice insurance coverage specifically made for advanced practice clinicians (APCs).

Get a Quote

We Cover:

Nurse Practitioners
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
Certified Nurse Midwives
Certified Midwives
Physician Assistants

Your Peers Agree

membership satisfaction

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More than 90% of our members reported incredibly high levels of satisfaction with our efforts to prevent claims and defend their careers.


APC members

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TDC Group, through medical professional liability insurance carrier The Doctors Company and its affiliate The Doctors Company Risk Retention Group (RRG), has been protecting advanced practice clinicians (APCs) since 1976.

Getting a Quote Is Fast and Secure

To get a quote for coverage using your Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) credentials data, simply enter your National Provider Identifier (NPI) number and date of birth on the quote form. If your CAQH credentials are attested and you’ve authorized our access, your credentials will prepopulate to complete the process. If you are not enrolled in CAQH, you can enter your application details into the quote form manually.

Get a Quick Quote

CAQH ProView is the largest database of self-reported provider data in the U.S., with 374,006 advanced practice clinicians (APCs) in their credentials database. The Doctors Company, part of TDC Group, is the only malpractice insurer authorized by CAQH, and its participating providers, to use credentials data in the application process—providing a simpler, more efficient process; improving accuracy; and protecting your personal data.

Industry-Leading Coverage

Professional Liability Insurance

Coverage specific to the needs of APCs from an insurer and its subsidiaries led by healthcare professionals and protecting APCs nationwide, rated A by AM Best. Coverage limits of $1M/$3M, with additional limit options available in most states, including $1.3/$3.9M +$1M excess in New York.

Regulatory and License Insurance

MediGuard® regulatory risk coverage, part of your medical malpractice insurance policy, covers you for regulatory and license actions up to $25,000.

Occurrence and Claims-Made Policies

Both occurrence and claims-made policies are available for all specialties, except for CNMs/CMs under specific circumstances.* For claims-made policies, free extended reporting period coverage, also known as tail coverage, is included at full retirement from a healthcare practice or in the event of permanent disability or death.

General Liability Insurance

Add-on coverage that protects a business against liability to others resulting from bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury. General liability insurance does not cover liability resulting from professional services, employment practices, or workers’ compensation injuries.

Vicarious Liability Insurance

If you own your own practice and have employees, independent contractors, or others acting on your behalf, you should consider purchasing vicarious liability coverage because you could be held responsible for their acts or omissions. This is an endorsement added to your policy.

Additional Business Owner’s Coverage

Commercial property (owned and rented), business and cyber liability, workers’ compensation, employment practices liability insurance (EPLI), and life, health, and disability insurance policies are also available for independent practices. Please contact us at (800) 780-9975 for more information.

Coverage Types Available for Your Specific Needs



If you currently have employer-provided medical professional liability coverage, but want your own policy to protect your own professional reputation.

If you’re an independent contractor, self-employed practitioner, or practice owner.

Excess Clipart


If you want to rely on your primary policy as your first line of defense against a claim, but you’d like to purchase additional coverage to avoid paying out-of-pocket expenses after your primary policy limits are exhausted.


Supervising and Collaborating Physicians

If you practice independently, vicarious liability can be added to your policy and your collaborating physician’s policy.

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Member Benefits

Strong Defense

The industry’s best defense, with a promise to never settle a claim without your consent, where permitted by law.

Unrivaled Financial Rewards

Participation in an unrivaled member reward program, the Tribute® Plan, which rewards medical professionals for a career spent practicing good medicine and for loyalty to The Doctors Company.† We’ve paid more than $150 million to members in awards at retirement to date. Members also have the potential to earn yearly dividends.


Accredited Education Courses

We are proud to be the industry leader in providing unparalleled options for contact hours and continuing education for advanced practice clinicians.

Patient Safety and Risk Management Resources

Access to expert patient safety resources—including complimentary on-demand courses approved for nursing contact hours, an extensive online library, a 24/7 hotline.

Helping You Navigate Your Practice Environment

Get our exclusive guide that provides strategies for APCs to enhance safety and mitigate risk. It is an essential reference for APCs practicing at every level.

For help with your application

Call (800) 780-9975

5:00 AM–5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

*CNMs/CMs may purchase a claims-made policy unless an occurrence policy is required by their state’s patient compensation fund.

†Policies underwritten by The Doctors Company Risk Retention Group are not eligible for the Tribute Plan or dividends.

TDC Group is the marketing name for The Doctors Company and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies. Coverages may be underwritten by The Doctors Company and The Doctors Company Risk Retention Group, Napa, CA, or Hospitals Insurance Company, New York, NY. The Doctors Company does not underwrite Excess & Surplus lines insurance. Certain coverages may be provided through surplus lines insurance subsidiaries of The Doctors Company through licensed surplus lines brokers. That Coverage may be underwritten by TDC Specialty Insurance Company or TDC National Assurance Company, Napa, CA, which are wholly owned subsidiaries of The Doctors Company. Insurance coverage is subject to underwriting guidelines, review, and approval.